10 Available Per Month
Goal: Get 10 paperback copies into the hands of anybody who needs inspiration every month. November I am willing to double that because this is new.
Background: Thin Black Road (Kindle, Paperback) is a collection of Christian and inspirational and story poems that I wrote over the past decade, mostly in college. They're mostly songs, and another goal of mine will be to produce a series of Youtube videos so people can hear the tunes that go with them. I have recordings as mp3 files but the sound s abysmally low.
What is the offer?: I am willing to send a FREE paperback copy of Thin Black Road to anybody who requests it. US ones will receive it in the mail directly from me. International may have to accept the paperback order directly from Amazon or accept an ebook gift.
Who is the offer open to?: Anybody. I'm looking for churches, libraries, church libraries, Christian schools, pastors, missionaries, teachers, coffee shop owners, women, men, ordinary people, important people, and pretty much anybody else who enjoys reading very short poems that offer a small bit of inspiration and would share it around with their loved ones as necessary.
How do you request a free paperback copy of Thin Black Road?
Email me at devyaschildren @ gmail.com (without the spaces in there around the @ sign of course....that's just an anti spam thing). Put TBR or Thin Black Road request in header so I know what to expect. I will get back to you as soon as possible with details. Likely, I'd just need your mailing address and whether or not you want it signed. Also, if you'd like to request 2 copies, you just need to tell me what you're doing with the other copy. If you're donating it to your church or giving it to a friend, that's cool. The ultimate goal is just to get it out there to help people.
Strings attached: None. If it helps you through a tough time, that's great. If you feel like telling me about it or reviewing on amazon, also great, but you are under 0 obligation to do anything but read it if you've requested it. The words are meant to be enjoyed.
Thanks for your time.
Julie C. Gilbert